Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Introduction

Its probably best to start this blog off by letting you know who we are and why we decided to take up space in this corner of the Internet. On November 12, 2005, my wife Becky and I were blessed with our first child, whom we named Caedmon (Cade, for short).

Fast forward through a couple of long years to May of 2009, my wife and I sat across a table from a group of professionals who placed our boy on the spectrum of autism disorders. Cade is enthusiastic and full of life, but has trouble with language, social skills, and regulating his emotions, amongs other things.
In February of this year, his father (that’s me) decided to go on a low carb diet after reading Gary Taubes’ Why We Get Fat. The weight quickly began dropping off me and the only effort I had to put in was to not eat things loaded with sugar and starch. As of today, midway into July, I’m down 55 pounds and my bloodwork has come back fantastic.

Continued reading on the subject of carbohydrate restriction, buoyed by my own body’s reaction to the diet, eventually led me to this post on called “Real Life Testimonial: Scarlet’s Turnaround” which references While testimonials of how Gluten-free, Casein-free diets had “cured” autism had never impressed me in the past, the intriguing science behind the Paleo Diet did. Since getting rid of processed junk and eating real food seemed to really help out his old man, we thought we had a good chance of it actually helping Cade.

So we decided, “What the hey?” Let’s give this Paleo thing a shot for 30 days and see where it takes us. And that’s the point of this blog, to chronicle our adventures and struggles. It isn’t going to be all rainbows and gum drops, as autism is often characterized by a love of routine and a hatred of change. Hopefully, at the other end of this long journey, some of the fog hanging over our Paleo Boy might be lifted.

So, watch us, join us, and for heaven’s sake, pray for us!

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