Thursday, November 17, 2011

To medicate or not to medicate?

We really want to be honest with this blog about the challenges we face with Cade as well as the positive things. Right now, we are really struggling with whether or not to try taking Cade off his medication. He's on a very low dose of Tenex to help with hyperactivity. He started it in the spring and we did notice a difference. His teachers also noticed an increased ability to sit still, follow directions, and less impulsiveness. These benefits have carried over into this school year, but to a significantly greater extent due to the diet.

So, the questions we are struggling with are:
- Is the diet enough to negate the need for medication?
- Is this the right time to try? His teachers at school are concerned that, if it turns out he really does still need the medication, going off of it right now might jeopardize the fantastic progress he's made this year.
- If now isn't the right time to try, when is the right time? We have thought about trying this over Christmas break, but the downside to that is that Cade's schedule will be very disrupted over break and if he has a hard time, we won't know if it's because he's not taking the medication or because his schedule is off. The other possibility is waiting for summer vacation when we can get into that routine and then make the change.

This is one of those times, which I'm sure every parent has, when we wish there was some way to know what the "right" answer is. Isn't there a book somewhere with all the information we could ever need about raising kids? Ug!

I find myself being reminded that our faith really isn't in medication, or even this diet. Our faith is in a God who loves Cade even more than we do, and if we ask Him, He'll guide us. We may not get to hear a voice from heaven saying "Here's the plan...", but He is faithful to work things out for the good of those who love Him. When I find myself getting anxious about what the "right" thing to do is, I need to remember to turn to the One who really does have all the answers and trust in His wisdom and goodness.

We'll keep you updated on what we decide to do.

Sitting in the unknown,

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